[html4all] Tabindex

Joshue O Connor joshue.oconnor at cfit.ie
Thu Sep 20 02:00:05 PDT 2007

Hi all,

While reading Gez and Gregories interesting discussion on @scope and
@tabindex I just want to add a comment on foot of that. Most of the
implementations of @tabindex that I have come across in the wild, either
during user tests or accessibility audits, have been pretty useless.
Often I see @tabindex being used as a direct mirror for the existing
links or form elements source order! Many developers don't seem to
realize that the source order of elements within a HTML document
*already* determines the tab order so there is no need at all to use it
if the existing source order etc will suffice. It's just usually
implemented poorly. I appreciate that it is useful for giving focus etc
to elements after AJAX calls etc but IIRC it was designed for use in forms.

I am not saying it should get the chop or anything.


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