[html4all] New issue: IMG section of HTML5 draft contradicts WCAG 1 & WCAG 2 (draft)

Harry Loots harry.loots at ieee.org
Mon Apr 14 07:11:44 PDT 2008

Henri wrote 
> So far nobody has demonstrated the necessity of making @alt optional.

Saying 'nobody' is conveniently ignoring for example these two messages:

i hardly see why these two articles may be quoted as demonstrating why @alt
should be optional? Unless the author thinks the opinion of one speaks for all?

I remain firmly entrenched in the camp of _keeping_ @alt mandatory. 

In 1999 when WCAG was launched the use of validation tools was almost unheard
of - even as recent as 3 or 4 years ago very few developers that i work with 
were bothered to validate X/HTML or check for WCAG compliance (i'm a
specialist consultant and therefore come into contact with a large
cross-section of the development community in our organisation). 

This picture has changed - the majority now regularly uses tools to check
X/HTML validity and WCAG compliance. And some will no longer go without
checking religiously! 

This is relevant to the argument only insofar as the mindset of the majority
of developers have changed from optional to mandatory (and i'm referring to
professionals, as opposed to someone who's setting up a photo album for the
family to enjoy). But, so what if this someone leaves the alt out; and what if
the software inserts alt="none supplied" or whatever pixels we wish it to push
out... 'none supplied' is still more meaningful to a blind person than nothing
at all - at least they will know there is an image; and may then ask a friend
to explain its significance if they think it may be important. But no alt and
no mention that there is an image means they they completly miss out on the
fact that there is an image and the potentially important information
contained in the image. 

Making @alt optional is giving in to those who are too ignorant, lazy or
inconsiderate to supply an alt description and it seems to me that it is
giving in to software makers who couldnt be bothered to add automated routines
to push out pixels that says 'none supplied'.

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