[html4all] alt issue: image uploaded in bulk are not Web content

Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Apr 15 13:39:48 PDT 2008

Vlad Alexander (XStandard) wrote:
> For an image to be non-decorative, content must be authored. Since we agree that the act of bulk upload does not author content, therefore these images are decorative.

No, they may be /regarded/ as decorative
(by you, if not by everyone) until such
time as they are incorporated into a
web page; once they form a part of a
web page, they may or may not "be
decorative", depending on the author's
intentions,but that choice must be made
regardless of whether the author
chooses to upload one, or one
million, images.  Thus the act of
mass uploading does not, of itself,
create a set of images that are
>>>   What makes JPEG files content?
>> Their incorporation into a web page.
> Decorative images are also incorporated into a Web page, but decorative images are not content.


** Phil.

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