[html4all] some reflections on @alt usage (and even sometimes @aria-labelledby...)

Gez Lemon gez.lemon at gmail.com
Mon Apr 28 10:21:01 PDT 2008

On 28/04/2008, Al Gilman <Alfred.S.Gilman at ieee.org> wrote:
>  Don't dismiss @aria-labelledby from consideration as an alternative
>  to @alt in the "where to find the text alternate" algorithm.

It hasn't been dismissed.

>  User text should be Web text, not attribute-value-text.

I completely agree, but there are circumstances where it is more
difficult to use a labelling design pattern. That's why the WCAG 2
draft discusses scenarios where authors can use attribute text when
the labelling design pattern should be used, but doesn't work [1].

aria-labelledby could be considered a good alternative to HTML's label
element. It's not as useful for providing alternative text for images,
as inline images aren't really suited to the labelling design pattern.
There may be edge cases where the labelling design pattern is more
suitable as a concise alternative for an inline image, in the same way
that there are cases where a text attribute is more suitable than a

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-WCAG20-TECHS-20071211/H65.html


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