[html4all] longdesc and ARIA Re: some reflections on @alt usage

Joshue O Connor joshue.oconnor at cfit.ie
Mon Apr 28 14:27:32 PDT 2008

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> There is a seperate issue, which is really on ARIA, about how browsers should behave when you have ARIA conflicting with other stuff e.g. longdesc and aria-describedBy and they point to different things. 
>Should ARIA be trusted in all cases? Should it be determined seperately for different ARIA properties? Should we trust the old attributes (this has the benefit that backwards-compatibility comes up with the same results, 
>which is probably quite valuable really). 

There was some comment by Ian on IRC/WG list (cannot find reference just 
now) about what would happen when ARIA described by etc was used 
alongside the new HTML 5 elements etc to describe the same 
content/instances or if there was some dissonance etc. To paraphrase, 
the thrust of it was saying that these issues are problematic and may 
halt the  /adoption/ or /absorption/ of ARIA into HTML 5.



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