On Topic / Off Topic

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On-Topic Subjects for the Wiki and Discussion List

The emphasis of html4all is to ensure that future generations of HTML support equal access for people regardless of their physical and cognitive abilities or disabilities, and strengthens semantics. For details please visit our

Our current focus is on the HTML 5 working group's specification and associated documents/work.

Off-Topic Subjects

  • Items unrelated to our mission, HTML specifications, and associated work
  • Product or service promotion (a.k.a spam) not directly related to the mission
  • Bashing other organizations
  • Criticism of people or personalities
  • Religion
  • Race
  • Politics

Places where it might be appropriate to discuss items unrelated to the html4all mission

  • Web AIM - for anyone interested in discussing general web accessibility issues.
  • W3C Public Mailing Lists - includes Web Accessibility Initiative Interest Group and Public-html-mail lists.
  • SEC508 - "a forum for discussing issues surrounding Section 508."
  • Web Standards Group - "for web designers and developers who are interested in web standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT etc.) and best practices (accessible sites using valid and semantically correct code)."
  • Webdesign-L - "technical, cultural, political, economic and artistic aspects of web development and design" - including mark-up questions.
  • The List - Most anything Web-related.
  • University Web Developers' Mailing List - "This list is dedicated to assisting people responsible for implementing and maintaining web sites in a University environment."
  • Wise-Women Discussion List - "The purpose of this list is to support women on the web by providing a supportive atmosphere to deal with issues of web development and consulting..."
  • css-discuss - "The emphasis of css-d is on the practical use of CSS". Also css-discuss Wiki
  • JavaScript List - "The JavaScript List is dedicated to the general discussion of topics and issues related to JavaScript and JScript programming."
  • UACCESS-L - "Here, subscribers can discuss the topic of universal access with regards to information systems."
  • CHI-WEB - "CHI-WEB is an ACM SIGCHI moderated discussion list on the human factor aspects of the World Wide Web."
  • Microformats Discuss - "This is an open and public list for anyone interested in microformats."

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