[html4all] Copy of e-mail to Karl Dubost

Philip TAYLOR Philip-and-LeKhanh at Royal-Tunbridge-Wells.Org
Mon Sep 17 12:38:53 PDT 2007

And Karl's response :

> Philip Taylor (Webmaster) (17 sept. 2007 - 12:26) :

>> Right, so where are the "different parties" in your phrase
>> "the needs of implementers" ?  The only parties I can find
>> there are implementors -- what about the needs of
>>     o consumers
> Are everyone else, Usually, products exist only because there are consumers. If consumers are not satisfied, the products die.
>>     o designers
> designers are implementers and consumers. They consume some products.
>>     o those with special accessibility needs
> These are consumers too. The ethics goal of caring for them is a noble goal, but is not very effective (unfortunately) in our society. The goal is more that there is really a need to make business with these users. Plus the fact it is easier to accommodate Web technologies to people with special needs than in the physical world.
>> and the vision/advice/expertise of
>>     o computer scientists
>>     o human factors engineers
>>     o psychologists
>>     o linguists
>> and so on.
> All of these are part of the product design (implementers).
> --Karl Dubost - http://www.w3.org/People/karl/

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