[html4all] Tabindex

Joshue O Connor joshue.oconnor at cfit.ie
Thu Sep 20 03:57:24 PDT 2007

Hi Gez and Patrick,

> I can't recall ever seeing a use for the tabindex attribute with
> values greater than zero, although they may have been useful with
> complicated nested layout tables.

In theory you can add any value up to 32767 and provide navigation
around complex forms (with potentially a lot of elements) but my problem
with it is that its usually done really badly, rarely used in forms, and
as I mentioned in my experience is often poorly applied when it wasn't
even needed.

Patrick said:
> The most annoying thing is: since in most browsers (?) any tabindexed  
> element takes precedence over non tabindexed ones,

Yes, so when implemented badly, it hijacks the normal tab order. Disaster.



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