[html4all] New issue: IMG section of HTML5 draft contradicts WCAG 1 & WCAG 2 (draft)

Philip TAYLOR Philip-and-LeKhanh at Royal-Tunbridge-Wells.Org
Fri Apr 11 04:24:57 PDT 2008

Julian Reschke wrote:

 > A string saying "there is no alternate text" may be syntactically valid,
 > but doesn't help the user at all.

I disagree ...

  It will be displayed/read just like it
 > was the alternate text.

Yes,it will; and if, when displayed/read, it
explains to the end user /why/ there is no
ALT text (available), then he/she will be
better informed than if it were simply
omitted.  We could postulate, for example,
by analogy with ARIA, that there be conventions
for indicating the reason for the omission of
more meaningful ALT text.
 > In general, requiring values for things that can't always be provided is
 > a bad idea. It always leads to authors making up values, which makes the
 >  situation *worse* for the people depending on it.

Not if there are well-defined rules for these
"made up" values.

** Phil.

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