[html4all] WG Process

Philip Taylor (Webmaster) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Tue Feb 26 10:38:41 PST 2008

Laura Carlson wrote:

> I have had similar feelings. But when Dan okayed the action item at
> last week's teleconference to "draft text for HTML 5 spec to require
> producers/authors to include @alt on img elements", I became more
> hopeful.
> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/54
> Jason gave some very sound advice about W3C process and participating
> in the Working Group. If possible, give it a try. It certainly helped
> with alt.

Hmmm.  The problem (as I perceive it) is that the
joint Chairmen simply aren't (I was going to write
"doing their job", but that is both perjorative and
possibly even libellous) exerting anywhere near
influence over the activities of the editors.

We still have Ian cross-posting to three groups,
whilst asking all concerned to respond to only
one (thereby ensuring that 66% see only Ian's
contributions rather than those of other members
of the group), stating in public that he will
decide what stays and what goes based solely on
the reactions of browser vendors, and so on.
If Dan et al can't/won't control the editors,
what chance do the rest of us stand ?

** Phil.

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